Sunday Story Ratings #60: Excel Saga Mission 3: Today and Tomorrow for Encounters


Excel Saga Volume 1, Mission 3: Today and Tomorrow for Encounters by Rikdo Koshi

Originally published 1997 by Shonengahosha Co.. Ltd, Tokyo; this edition July 2003, September 2003 printing

Publisher: Viz 



(D, V, L, S, H)

Drug Use (MA15+) {anything lower is "drug use should be justified by context". in this case Hyatt was apparently dead for three hours, revived, and injected herself with something that gave her such a rush she lay on the floor twitching for a while afterward. she is also seen later getting buzzed on a large supply of various pills. if this falls within the realm of 'justified by context' then I accuse that term of vacuity in the context of these ratings. really I think this category is made less interesting by the lack of nuance available, even after I have tried adding some. on the other hand, if I am keeping the rating for violence a bit lower than otherwise it would be because it is played for comedy and no persistent injuries are sustained...}

Violence (M) {Excel sets off some explosions and uses the other prisoners in the immigrant detention centre as sacrificial decoys. the guards say things like "Fire at will" and joke about breaking restrictions on the degree of force they are permitted to use, but the actual violence happens off-screen. Excel is attacked by Shinto archers after stealing their horse. Iwata beats up Watanabe off-screen again.}

Coarse Language (PG) {just the occasional 'bastard' and 'hell'}

Sexual References (G) {Watanabe's infatuation with Hyatt begins, implied by the panel focusing on her chest from his gaze, which casts his friendly actions toward her.}

Supernatural References (-) {Watanabe, believing he is being haunted, spends the night chanting the lotus sutra in an effort to fix this}




About even on number of people with lines. Perspective follows the two main women, Excel and Hyatt, but they don't much interact.


Only heterosexual interests present.

Race & Ethnicity:

Once again, everyone Japanese except the sacrificial immigrants.

Disability, Physical Diversity and Health:

Hyatt's bizarrely fragile, intermittent health and tendency to cough up blood may count, but her condition is a matter of comedic invention and not reflective, I am fairly sure, of any actual condition.



May as well dispense with awards after not finding any the first time. This chapter introduces Hyatt, so maybe Il Palazzo can stop promoting inanimate objects over Excel now.